Growing Your Best Fairy Garden, by Katie from A Place to Sow

It’s all good and well to have a gorgeous fairy garden that you and your family can enjoy, but too often plants can become straggly or have stunted growth which means you aren’t able to enjoy this long term. Here’s a quick checklist on how you can get the best out of your fairy garden. […]
A Magical Fairy Abode – plus Fairy Garden Contest 2015

Recently I was checking in on my favourite fairy gardening website (other that ours!) as I’d been waiting for Donni from The Magic Onions to launch her world famous annual fairy garden contest. It seems she’s started a new website, Fairy Gardens, which is dedicated solely to fairy gardening and is hosting the contest this […]
‘Peach Blossom Cottage’ by Another Day

‘Peach Blossom Cottage’ by Another Day Every year The Magic Onions hold a fairy garden competition. As I was looking through this year’s entries, one fairy garden caught my eye. ‘…there in the community of Apple Grove, right by the only peach tree in our Orchid – ‘Peach Blossom Cottage’ was named by a little […]