Enchanting Fairy Garden Party with Family Garden Life

If your little girls are anything like ours then at some stage you’ll be asked (begged!) to host a fairy garden party for them and all their friends. As girls get older however, you’ll need to think beyond fairy wings and magical wands. With this in mind, Becky from Family Garden Life has put together an enchanting […]
Mossy Meadow Under the Gum Trees at Perth Garden Festival 2018

It was yet another huge year for My Little Fairy Garden at the Perth Garden Festival! The festival saw 34,000 people through the gates over four days and we really loved chatting to all who visited us. We had two themes for this year’s display. The first was our ‘Market Garden’ in a wheelbarrow. This was designed and created just for […]
Frightful Halloween Fairy Gardening

Create a SPOOKtacular mini garden this Halloween with our new and exclusive range of witches, gargoyles, jack-o-lanterns, venus fly traps and a SCAREtastic haunted house! Other terrifying accessories in this creepy garden include a poison toad, moral mushrooms, black picket fence (spray painted) – and what’s a witch without her cauldron?! To create the witch’s […]
Fairy GiGi’s Perth Garden Festival 2017 Adventure

Attending the Perth Garden Festival has become a regular event for us – and each year gets bigger and better. Here are some highlights from our stand… This year our main display was created by grouping various sized pots together. The different heights create interest while each individual garden, being on a smaller scale, ensured […]