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Fairy Garden Path Tutorial

There’s something about a rustic garden path that is just so charming. Even more so when it’s in miniature.

When creating a path in a fairy garden there are many options, however sometimes working on a small scale can pose challenges. For instance, using stones looks great, but as they are so light they can easily be displaced by watering, general tending to the garden or of course little fingers – which also means they can be a choking/nose stuffing hazard for any younger siblings.

Here is my step by step guide to creating a ‘safer’ fairy garden pebble path.


You will need:

  • Stones (or you could use buttons, coins, wood rounds etc)
  • Masking tape
  • Netting – shade cloth, fly wire, netting from a fruit bag etc. Anything with holes for drainage that won’t weather.
  • Super glue (check the label as some brands won’t bond to plastics)
  • Scrap of flat smooth plastic
  • A heavy book


  1. Arrange the stones in your garden, then once you are happy with the layout, tape over the top of them to keep them in position.
  2. Cut a piece of netting to the general size of the path.
  3. Apply glue liberally to underside of stones – I would add more glue (than pictured) next time for a better hold as a couple of my stones fell off and required re-gluing.
  4. Lay netting on a scrap of plastic then place pebble path, glue down, onto the netting. Put a heavy book on top to keep attachment firm while glue dries (overnight or longer).
  5. Once dry, carefully remove the tape and trim away any excess netting.
  6. Place your path into your fairy garden and brush some garden soil or decorative sand between the stones to cover the netting.

And that’s it. A simple way to keep your fairy garden pebble path in place. Have you created paths in your fairy garden? Would you use this tip next time in your fairy garden? We’d love to know, please leave a comment.

One Response

  1. Great idea. My daughter is always running off with the pebbles from our little path or hiding them in the treasure chest. I know it’s her garden to play with but I must admit that I enjoy straightening it up…well the fairies do!

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